8:19 PM Posted by Mark

When it is one of your own

I have been in the ministry for nearly 30 years and full-time pastoring for almost 25! It seems like a long time but the days have flown by faster than I could ever imagine. During that time I have comforted a lot of people going through grief after losing a loved one. I count it a privilege and blessing to be there in people's lives during their times of sorrow. But what happens when it is one of your own? My father-in-law passed away on March 15th. He and I had a good relationship and I felt the loss. Because he was a Christian, I know he is in heaven but it still hurts!

During my time of grief, I have felt the love of God through the ministry of my family, friends and wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ from my current and previous churches. There is nothing in the world like the family of God. When it is one of your own, you don't know how you are going to bear it but the love of God's people carries you through. I am so glad I'm not alone. Now I know firsthand how important that phone call, email, letter, card, and personal visit really are. Thanks to all who have been there for us! We are so grateful! When it is one of your own, you really understand the value of ministry.